
the digital alias of Despina Panagakos Yeargin


Transitioning. We’re almost at a new starting point, the new year, 2022. We are about to move from one reality to a new one. Expectations. Concerns. Fears. 2021 was a year to look forward to–a departure from lockdowns, the pandemic, business closures, supply chain struggles, grocery deliveries and drive-through everything. So much change happening so rapidly. 2021 brought us new ways of being, doing and socializing. It brought us vaccines. We had violence, racial struggles, individuals working to find their true sexual identity, political unrest–all things and situations that we’ve had before, but everything seemed to come to a head this year. As I look back on 2021, I see a year of transitions. Do you agree?

New hope. A new year always brings hope. We cannot erase atrocities, violence and bad behavior. We cannot save lives lost. With this new year, we have hope that positive changes will come. We can continue to seek out truth and beauty, kindness and community. We can write new, positive chapters in our lives.

Photo by CARL HUNLEY JR on Unsplash

Join me in celebrating the holidays and in wishing for goodness to greet us all in the new year.

Thank you! I am grateful beyond measure to my sweet Dewey for his love and support, to all of you who find my musings and recipes and cooking stories interesting enough to take a break and read, and to friend Keith Smith who supports me with website design, social media and all things technical.



