
the digital alias of Despina Panagakos Yeargin

Independence Day Cooking


Yes, it’s a burger!

Independence! Yes, we thank our strong-minded, freedom-seeking founders for giving us the foundation for this country that we call home. Many of us, transplanted from other countries, call this our home and, like those who were born here, give it our taxes, time, ideas and support. We work within our communities and strive to raise up those who need a little help. We are independent, we are strong and we are free-thinking. We do it our way. We are a beautiful melting pot–a multi-everything box of crayons.

Photo by Dyana Wing So on Unsplash

Okay, but what does all of this talk of freedom and independence have to do with a burger?
Well, for me it represents the best of what this country is all about. There’s a burger, but no bun–free thinking. We see lettuce, tomato, onion but they look more like a salad–do it our way. Where’s the mayo and ketchup? That looks like cottage cheese–we chose different crayons.

But where’s the beef? Where’s the recipe? What is this all about?

Last year I introduced my BanhMi Burger. I have shared with you my easy cooked-in-a-pan Salmon burger. Today, on the annual birthday of America, I’m sharing another burger idea, the Tzatziki Salad Burger! Yes, I’ve called on my independent, free-thinking spirit and turned a burger into a salad!

So, today, on this FOURTH OF JULY, celebrate your independence and eat whatever you wish. Perhaps it will be my Tzatziki Salad topped with a burger. Perhaps it will be just the salad. Perhaps it will be barbequed ribs. Whatever you choose to enjoy, don’t forget to celebrate that you have the right to choose. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, AMERICA! 

If you’re interested in what I have to say, you may want to visit my website. And if you’re not interested in what I have to say, but you’d like to see a curated collection of what America means to me… follow this link. I’m going to continue adding photos.



